The Bilingual Advantage in Children

New Research: The Bilingual Advantage may extend to children with ASD There’s a growing body of evidence that bilingualism brings numerous benefits to children, many of which extend into adulthood. What Bilingualism is Bilingualism comes when a child grows up learning two languages. Usually this means in the home – perhaps parents speak two languages, […]

What Makes You Happy?

What Do You Associate With Happiness? Before you begin reading this, think of three words that come to your mind when you think of happiness. ************ Some new, yet to be published, research by scientists at Yonsei University in Korea and U C Santa Barbara compared the words 500 university students associated with happiness with […]

New Research on Personality and Well Being

Personality has long been related to happiness and well-being. Studies of the “Big Five” personality traits (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness to Experience) consistently show that extraverts are happier than introverts, as are agreeable individuals compared with those who are less agreeable. In contrast, neuroticism is associated with less happiness and fewer feelings of […]

Pioneering Research on the measurable and lasting benefits of LovingKindness Meditation

Over the past decade, the effect of mind training practices has generated a lot of interest in psychology and neuroscience research. Mindfulness and various forms of meditation have clear and measurable effects on health, particularly stress reduction. But that is only the beginning of the story. LovingKindness meditation has a surprisingly rapid and long-lasting effect […]