
JOURNALING Journaling can be calming and revelatory. It can clear your mind and help you release built up feelings of stress and negativity.  It can help you build positivity and nurture qualities like resilience. The act of writing is quite different from just sitting and thinking about things. Writing involves language and deeply engages the […]

Take Advantage of the Restorative Power of Nature

When your child (or you!) needs to de-stress and restore, getting out into nature has a quick and astounding impact. Classrooms, work and urban environments require us to focus attention and block out distractions.   It’s mentally exhausting and causes physical and mental fatigue in children and adults. Being in nature has the opposite effect. It […]

Boost Emotions With A Sense Of Awe

Recent research has increased our understanding of the important role positive emotions have on our physical health. One emotion in particular has a quick and striking impact: the sense of awe. We feel awe when touched by the power or beauty of nature, or through art, exquisite music, or a moving spiritual experiences. How Awe affects […]

New Research on Personality and Well Being

Personality has long been related to happiness and well-being. Studies of the “Big Five” personality traits (Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness to Experience) consistently show that extraverts are happier than introverts, as are agreeable individuals compared with those who are less agreeable. In contrast, neuroticism is associated with less happiness and fewer feelings of […]