It’s totally natural to get excited about our children’s accomplishments and successes. We feel proud and we want to share their joy. It feels great when our child scores a winning goal, aces a test, makes varsity, has artwork displayed, plays a solo in orchestra, or stays balanced on a bike. What’s not to like? […]
self esteem
The Development of Self Identity
Forming an identity is a process that extends throughout childhood and adolescence. In fact, it continues throughout life as we add new roles, drop former roles, and grow in skill and experience. The process begins in early childhood, after toddlers come to recognize themselves in mirrors and photos, grasping a sense of, “That’s me.” Identity […]
Defending Against Children’s “Inner Dangers”
Dangers, those things that make us feel vulnerable and at risk, come in two broad forms. Outer dangers are things outside of us that threaten us in some way. Inner dangers emerge from thoughts and concerns that we experience as negative emotions. Outer dangers include violence, unsafe equipment, natural disasters, handling machinery without the requisite […]