So many gifts are exchanged during holiday seasons and throughout the year. Would that all of them were given with joy rather than obligation, and received with openness and curiosity.
This season, see if you can accept material gifts with gratitude and intrigue, maybe even with surprise. Such feelings bring playfulness and genuineness to the exchange. It’s helpful to remember that gratitude is not indebtedness or obligation or guilt. These are things that make it very difficult to feel grateful. Gratitude is simply letting yourself accept gifts that come to you.
Accepting material gifts is a lot like accepting the gifts that come to us in other ways — the gifts of nature, health, a special person in your life, or an amazing experience. It would be rude to refuse these gifts, or feel that we must always give back something equal or something more.
Gratitude is graciously and comfortably accepting gifts, including wrapped parcels. Our genuine gratefulness is the gift we give back.