Book Review: The Yes Brain

  Siegel, Daniel & Bryson, Tina Payne, (2018).  The Yes Brain:  How to cultivate courage, curiosity, and resilience in your child.  New York:  Bantum.  ISBN:978-0-399-59466-3 The word “Yes” in the new book, The Yes Brain, by psychiatrist Daniel Siegel and social worker Tina Bryson, refers to saying “yes” to the world — to being open, […]

Positive Parenting: a loving authority

    “Positive Parenting” refers to a fairly broad range of approaches and strategies that share a core view that children thrive when they are respected and guided with sensitivity. The term contrasts with ideas about child rearing that focus on what is negative or “bad” in children and to discipline approaches that rely on […]

Emotions: What They Are and What They Do For Us

Emotions are complex phenomena Emotions involve a subjective reaction to something in the environment and we experience them as either pleasant or unpleasant. It’s pleasant to feel happy or interested, but not so nice to feel frightened or angry. There is more than a century and a half of research in a number of fields […]

Secondary Emotions

A new set of feelings emerges during early childhood called secondary or complex emotions They differ form the primary emotions (distress, disgust, interest, happiness or contentment, sadness, fear, anger and surprise) in several ways. Most importantly, they aren’t just biologically given, rather they are learned and require both cognitive and social information. Sometimes these are […]

Primary Emotions

The very first emotions appear during infancy, mostly from 1 – 7 months or so. They seem to be universal. That is, people all around the world have these emotions and express them in visibly similar ways. We can recognize facial expressions of fear or joy in people from all different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. […]