What do you like about your child?

Chances are if you’re reading this website, you love your child. It kind of comes with being a parent. It seems when a new little one is delivered to us, a big new bundle of love is delivered too.

But what do you LIKE about your child? Most parents don’t really stop to think about that. My clients are usually surprised when I ask them that question, especially when they’re describing things that are challenging or frustrating. Deliberately thinking about your child and drawing to mind all the things you enjoy, admire and like about them opens the door to a very positive relationship with your child. It can also reveal great ways to support your child or offer helpful forms of guidance and discipline.

When you are conscious of your child’s strengths, you can draw on them and bolster them. Your child will feel noticed, respected and liked. When you carry a sense of gratitude for the positive things your child embodies, you can manage the difficult things with more grace and less anger. And your child, confident of your love and respect, will be much more inclined to accept guidance.

♥ Here’s the insight: Intentionally becoming aware of what you like about your child, and gratefully drawing it to mind from time to time, creates a healthier more positive relationship.

Want to learn more??

 Have a look at the Article on “Love Genuinely” (It’s one of the 7 Guiding Principles for building a great relationship with our child)

 You may also want to check out the article, Interact Respectfully. Respect is a two way street. We want our kids to respect us, but our kids are just like us in their needs – they want to be valued and respected too. It’s a natural human universal: we each want to be seen and valued for who we are. When we respect our kids, we honor that need and we demonstrate to them how to respect others.

 Schedule a 1-on-1 session with me and explore which ways of showing love resonant most with your child addunlea@insightsforparents.com

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